Three Meals Per Day For Under £3

That is my new challenge.

I see so many people taking supplements, juices, powders, pills and shakes in an effort to lose some weight. But why?

Have they ever stopped to consider what will happen if they stop using the products? It’s a well known fact that a well known brand have designed their products so that when you stop using them, all the weight is regained, quickly.

A friend of mine, considering starting up one of these ‘fad’ plans, tried to convince me that it’s great that you can get 2 meals per day for approx. £3. I say, you can get 3 healthy meals per day for £3 or under. So that is what I am about to do.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am ALWAYS trying to lose weight. But when I do lose the weight, I want it to be because I have made genuine changes to my lifestyle, genuine and sustainable!


So, here goes….3 meals for £3….bring it on!

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